My Hopes For Malaysia


Author: Dylan Dumpangol

Image: ©

A nation is not a place but the sum of its struggles, history, and people. We Malaysians remind each other time and time again that this nation is a bad place, a country that never places its foot down on anything. It has become commonplace for us to condemn each other, our leaders and ourselves. Constantly, the inescapable sighs and moans, although menial in fact has a profound influence on the way we live. We begin to wish that we are not here; “I’d take the first ticket out of here if I can!” we tell each other. We begin to despise the very soil we once found our childish proclivity. We start to realize that we can do better simply because we believe; “anywhere is better than Malaysia!”. But is it really? Contrary to what many believe, I do not think Malaysia can last any longer. How much longer can we be blinded by the simple fact that

Malaysia is sick.

Malaysia is a lifeless entity. It is an empty shell that is counting its days. Malaysia may as well cease to be anything. It should therefore renounce its body of diversity and the plethora of culture and food. It should discard its endearing yet personal lingo that is the product of the diversification and curios appetite of its people. Because Malaysia should be tired of donning the persona of a person that it does not want to be. It is tired of the love that it receives today but the despicable taunts hurled at her all year around. We don’t love her and therefore we do not deserve her.

Therefore, I say once again; Malaysia is sick and

she is sick because of YOU.

If it finds you any consolation, Malaysia has not always been this way. I once stood with her, in pride and awe. I embraced her as the moon embraced gravity. I walked in her shadow because I told myself, that she is the part of me that I am most pleased with. There was comfort and solace that I could march the Earth with pride and rapturous joy. It is that same enjoyment that you have robbed from me. You took away the only thing that could have brought you fulfillment and passion. Do you not want to feel passion again? The feeling of red romance coursing through your veins?

The electricity that once set you free? The ability to love without trying? Unfortunately, Malaysia is sick. She is sick because of you.

And She will never be the same.

You left her idle for far too long. She deserved the pedestal and the accolades of all honors. You gave her nothing but a sour face and an outward tongue that pierced the essence of her soul. You constantly compared her to the hall of heroes and expect her to exceed unfathomable expectations and yet you yourself are nothing without her. You allowed the seed of doubt grow branches of hate and disgust as it entwined to strangle her. She was never afforded the nourishment owed to herself with the life that was already teeming around her. She was sick and you left her to die.

Shame on you.

I beg each one of you to still see and envisage a life worth saving. I want you to wake up to see that there was always a utopia right in front of you just waiting to be built. Embrace the journey that you have already taken with her, the perils, the joys and the experience and learn with her. She may have flaws, but we are here to make up for it because we can. In fact, we ARE her, each one of us make one whole and any exclusion will only see us farther from completion. You don’t expect Malaysia to become what you want her to be. You become the Malaysia that you have always imagined. My hope for Malaysia? My hope is that we hope again.

That is enough.

